The BUZZ Report – November 30, 2018
Hardy Oak PTA’s Buzz Report
News and Updates from Your Hardy Oak PTA- November 30, 2018

PTA Meeting December 4th at 6:00 pm
Please join us for a special PTA meeting where we will recognize deserving PTA Life Members and enjoy the sounds of the Hardy Oak Choir. See you at 6:00pm on Tuesday, December 4th!
Fall Festival was a fun family night!
The Fall Festival on November 9th was a fantastic night for all of our Hornet families. Thank you for your volunteering, coming out to enjoy the rides and games and participating in the auction. It was a chilly night, but the cool temps didn’t limit the fun!!
A big thank you to the teachers who flossed their hearts out in the Flossing Dance Contest and of course to Mrs. Folkes who was slimed along with PTA President Jenn Shannon by some Hardy Oak students. A great night indeed!

Warm Heart & Full Belly Games Drive for Camelot Elementary
are asking each child in Hardy Oak to participate in the December
sister school collection. We will be collecting NEW games (card games
& board games). One NEISD SVSA hour will be given for your donation,
you can log your SVSA hours on Skyward. Our hope is that every child at
Camelot be gifted a NEW game to be able to spend time with their family
this holiday!
Collections begin Wednesday November 28th-Thursday December 13th
**We will be collecting NEW games (card & board games)
**Please send games in that are appropriate for your own child’s age
**The class that collects the most games will earn a pizza party
**Have your child give their game to his/her homeroom teacher
Thank you Hardy Oak, for your generosity and compassion in this season of giving!
Hornet’s Nest Spirit Store December 7th at lunches
The Hornet’s Nest Spirit Store will be open on the cafeteria stage during lunches on Friday, December 7th. The store will have pens, pencils, notebooks and other fun items. Small bills and coins are appreciated. Select spirit merchandise from previous years will be available at reduced SALE prices. All other items are $5 and under.
All students who bring money will be able to shop at the Hornet’s Nest toward the end of their lunch time. It is a fun way for kids to learn how to handle money and make smart purchases!

Sign-up for REMIND updates from PTA
Want to stay in the know with all the BUZZZY things happening at Hardy Oak?
If you have the Remind App, click on Join a Class and enter @hardyoakup. You can also text @hardyoakup to 81010 to receive updates and reminders.
NECPTA Clothes Closet
The North East Council of PTA’s operates a Clothes Closet for families in need. They are in need of gently used school clothes for sizes 3T through High School. Here are Donation Guidelines. If you are sorting clothes please keep the Clothes Closet in mind.
There is also a need for new underwear, particularly large teen and adult sizes.
There is a bin in the foyer at Hardy Oak for your used clothes and new underwear donations. Thank you.
Calling All Dads: Watch Dog Sign-up
This is a great way for our students to see positive male role models being involved at their school and in their education. WATCH D.O.G.S. (Dads of Great Students) is a one-of-the-kind, school based father involvement program that works to support education and safety. Please remember to participate in any volunteer opportunity you must be DPS cleared (See Volunteering Link). Watch Dogs must also wear an official Watch D.O.G.S t-shirt to volunteer. Any questions, please contact Mike Miller at: [email protected].
Please limit your days to one per child to allow all who want to participate to get a chance. See Calendar Sign-up for available dates.
For All Watch-Dogs on duty, please remember to follow the provided schedule with specific times to visit classrooms.Thank you for volunteering your time.

Decadent Dessert Volunteer Opportunity
Want a way to say thank you to our Hardy Oak Teachers? You can sign-up to bring a dessert to sweeten their day. Each Monday a teacher’s name will be drawn and the person signed up for that week will receive an email with the teacher’s name and any preferences or allergies. Desserts can be homemade or store bought. See the sign-up for available dates:

Hardy Oak PTA
Facebook 22900 Hardy Oak Blvd, San Antonio, TX,78258 [email protected] 210-407-3600 hardyoakpta.com
Upcoming Calendar Dates
Now-December 13th Sister School Collections: Breakfast foods & Board and Card games
December 4th General Membership PTA Meeting at 6:00pm-Life Member Awards
December 7th Hornet’s Nest during lunches
December 10th-13th BOGO Book Fair
December 14th Hoopla
December 14th Student Council Field Trip to Camelot to deliver Breakfast Food and Games
December 17th – PTA’s gift of time to teachers: Teacher Gift Wrapping
December 21st Class Parties – Make sure you are DPS cleared to attend and please no siblings
December 24th-January 7th School Holiday Break
January 8th School Resumes