NEISD Student Volunteer Service Award (SVSA)

NEISD Student Volunteer Service Award

Calling all student volunteers! Hardy Oak Elementary will be participating in the NEISD Student Volunteer Service Award (SVSA) for the 2020-2021 school year. Come join your fellow Hardy Oak Hornets as we make a positive impact on our community by serving others!

How can YOU make a difference?
Volunteer at your local animal shelter, pick up trash at your local park or participate in one of the many volunteer opportunities that will be offered through out the school year at Hardy Oak. These are only a few examples of how you can serve others! Did you volunteer over the summer? Don’t forget to log those hours too!

NEISD Student Volunteer Service Award Requirements
*The reporting year for NEISD’s SVSA is from …coming soon*
*Only service hours outside of the school day are eligible for recognition.*

Elementary (K-5)
Bronze: 10-19 hours
Silver: 20-49 hours
Gold: 50+ hours


  • Log into Skyward Family Access
  • Select the Volunteer Globe
  • Select Volunteer on the left
  • Select Log Hours
  • Complete the Add Activity form and click Save.

Check the PTA Facebook page at Hardy Oak PTA for updates and volunteer opportunities.

Save the Date!!
The Student Volunteer Service Awards Ceremony will be held in May during Hardy Oak’s PTA General Assembly Meeting. We look forward to recognizing you for all of your outstanding service!!

For examples of service, click here:  Examples of Service

Current Service Project:

Coming Soon

Past Service Projects:

Coming Soon