
Hardy Oak is appreciative of our volunteers!

All Hardy Oak volunteers need to be DPS cleared before volunteering at Hardy Oak and must go through the following steps:

Complete your DPS Clearance:

  • Go to: https://www.neisd.net/volunteer/register
  • Follow the online instructions.
  • This step needs to be completed for each volunteer – mom, dad, grandparent, guardian, etc. You will not be permitted to volunteer at school until you have received this clearance through NEISD. The Online Criminal History Check typically takes three days to be processed. If you have volunteered over the last year, the system will automatically redo your background check every two years. If you haven’t volunteered over the past year, your status has become inactive and you will need to call the district to get it reactivated.

For safety purposes, we ask that volunteers do not bring younger children/siblings during shifts and events.  Thank you for understanding.

Sign up for notifications     NEISD Student Volunteer Service Award

Volunteer Recognition Awards Form:  Life Membership Form

Do you know someone who has?

– gone the “extra mile” for our children

– Is a valuable volunteer

– Is an exceptional teacher, dedicated to education

– Is an outstanding staff member

– Is a community member who shares his/her resources and expertise for the benefit of all children

If you know someone who has impacted your family’s life, please consider nominating this individual for this special award.

They could be a parent, faculty, staff, or a community member who has made a worthwhile contribution for the well-being of the children and youth of this community. It is not necessary that this person be a member of the Hardy Oak Elementary PTA.

Please complete this nomination form and return it via email labeled “Lifetime Membership Award” to Susan Townsend at [email protected].  Be sure to include a summary on why you believe this person should receive this award along with the completed form that is attached.

Awards will be presented at the PTA Meeting on Tuesday, December 1, 2020. An Honorary Texas Life Membership is the highest honor bestowed upon an individual by the Texas PTA for outstanding contributions to the well-being of children and youth.