We are excited to see you this Friday, April 5th for Family Night, 6-8 pm. Grab your poodle skirt or leather jacket and be ready to Shake, Rattle and Roll and make some fun family memories.
50’s gear is optional if you choose…just come and enjoy the fun.
If you haven’t RSVPd yet, please send in the form asap.
DJ, Hula Hoop Contest, Photo Booth and more!
$5 Family entrance fee at the door or a snack item for Camelot.
(money will be used to purchase Camelot snacks)
Come enjoy this memorable Family Night. Sorry no drop-offs.
You can park in the back parking lot and enter through the cafeteria doors.
Field Day is April 18th and the kids will be competing in events to see which
class will win the Golden Sneaker Trophy!
T-shirts are available to order for this fun day! Orders are Due April 8th at 3pm, no late orders will be accepted. Please find order form here.
All Proceeds from the t-shirt sales will go to the Hardy Oak PE Department to purchase new equipment.
A sign-up will be sent out soon for field day volunteers. We will see you out on the field!
The Hornet’s Nest Spirit Store will be open on the cafeteria stage during lunches on Friday, April 5th. The store will have pens, pencils, notebooks and other fun items. Small bills and coins are appreciated. Select spirit merchandise from previous years will be available at reduced SALE prices. All other items are $5 and under.All students who bring money will be able to shop at the Hornet’s Nest toward the end of their lunch time. It is a fun way for kids to learn how to handle money and make smart purchases!
The PTA Executive Board consists of Officers and Committee Chairpersons to execute events throughout the year.
PTA Committee chairpersons play a vital role and without them our PTA events cannot happen. We would love for you to be a part of the team! If you are interested in a position for the 2019-2020 school year, please return this form and denote which area you would like to chair. If you have any questions, please reach out to [email protected]. Thank you for making Hardy Oak great for our students!Congratulations to the officers elected for the 2019-2020 school year.
President-Jennifer Shannon
1st VP Aide – Lisa Hartofelis
2nd VP Fundraising- Melissa Gordon
3rd VP Programs-Stefani Van de Vate
4th VP Volunteers -Kerri Morgan
5th VP Membership- Kelly Sweeney
Secretary-Rhonda Matson
Treasurer- Jill Harris
Thank you ladies for you dedication to the Hardy Oak community!
We have received over 1500 books!! The proceeds that Hardy Oak receives from our donations will go to Camelot Elementary. Thank you for contributing and helping out our Sister School.
The NEISD PTA Used Book Sale is April 12-14th at Blossom Athletic Center. The books are all separated by category and you can find some great deals. Stop by and check it out!
Want to stay in the know with all the BUZZZY things happening at Hardy Oak?
If you have the Remind App, click on Join a Class and enter @hardyoakup. You can also text @hardyoakup to 81010 to receive updates and reminders.
April 1-5th- Book Fair
April 5th -Hornet’s Nest
April 5th- Family Night 6:00-8:00pm
April 9 & 10 STAAR Test – No volunteers on campus
April 12-14th Used Book Sale at Blossom in the Littleton Gym
April 18th- Field Day
April 19th-Good Friday Holiday
April 26th- Battle of the Flowers Holiday
May 7th SVSA Awards ceremony
May 7th-General Membership meeting at 6:00pm
Hardy Oak PTA - Enriching the Hardy Oak Experience
22900 Hardy Oak Blvd, San Antonio, TX 78258
Copyright 2024 © Hardy Oak Elementary PTA. All rights reserved. | Privacy Policy